Birthday Proper
- Homecooked dinner with family - come up with a Friday Menu
- Make a cocktail
- Appetizers
- Pasta
- Protein
- Side or Salad
- Have someone else bring the cake
- Sunday Brunch with the girls - Go to Dumbo and take pictures
- A Broadway show - Book of Mormon, Dear Evan Hansen, Hello Dolly (Book of Mormon with K & P)
- Date with Debbie - life planning, goal setting
- Belated birthday picnic with Debbie, Cara, and Chiqui
- Karaoke night with girlfriends (very late, but karaoke with K, P, & E
- Board game nights with new friends
- Date with Cat
- 2 good off-Broadway shows - Party Face and maybe Jerry Springer (Jerry Springer at least)
- Sunday Day trip to Beacon
- Sunday Day trip to Cold Spring
- Sunday Brooklyn Botanical Garden Day
mar 18 2018 ∞
nov 23 2018 +