intellectually - trying to stimulate brain and learn/create new things

  • spend time with hobbies for 1.5 hours - $10
  • finish today's assigned homework - $10
  • study for ACT - $15
  • going on the internet for ONLY 30 minutes - $8

emotionally - getting in touch w/ feelings and making sure you feel ok

  • identify and redirect negative/extremely self-deprecating/judgmental thoughts via journaling - $10
  • have a meaningful social engagement (face-to-face or phone call) - $8

spiritually (in touch with your meaningful philosophy is and confronting morals/purpose in a healthy extent)

  • don't complain more than five minutes - $15
  • meditating for ten minutes - $8

physically (diet and exercise and sleep)

  • sleep 7-8 hours (and only 30 minutes naps) - $8
  • eat healthy/normally - $20
  • aerobic exercise 30 min. min(jogging,trampoline,hula hooping, rollerblading) - $8
  • self-care - $8
mar 27 2015 ∞
mar 28 2015 +