❝ you made flowers grow in my lungs and although they are beautiful i can't breathe

❝ 이 문화를 사랑한 게 죄라면, 난 골백번은 넘게 더 죽었

❝ Of course you feel lost. Stars are lost among galaxies. Galaxies are lost among super clusters. When we start to feel like we are our own piece of the universe, we are placed to scale alongside more vast things and we feel ourselves burn smaller. To feel lost means there’s a hundred different trajectories that exist for your celestial body to take.

❝ And yet you are all that you have, so you must be enough. There is no other way.

❝ My thoughts cannot move an inch without bumping into some piece of you.

❝ You need to know how badly I want you. At this point, I’m beyond caring if I come off as needy. I don’t care if I come off as weak. I’m already weak at the thought of you laying your hands upon anyone else. I’ve never been one to have a bad temper, but when I picture you sleeping soundly in someone else’s arms, it sets my veins on fire. I don’t need you to tell me how badly you want me, because chances are, you don’t. I just want you to wake up every morning and remember that there’s someone in this world who refuses to put you anywhere else but first. And I’m sorry if my hands are shaking as I say this to you. I’m just afraid. I’m afraid that your name will still beat within the rhythm of my chest as I’m lying next to someone else. I’m afraid of hearing your favorite song on the radio in the car, and no longer being able to see the road. I’m afraid that everything I have will never be enough if I try to give it to anyone else but you. Maybe you don’t need to know how badly I want you. Maybe I just need to know if you could ever want me too.

❝ You’ve been hanging around here, trying to make yourself invisible behind this fragile little fuck-up routine of yours, but you can’t. You’re anything but invisible. You’re big. And you’re kind of a great mess, like a candle burning on both ends, but it’s beautiful.

❝ No matter how honestly you open up to someone, there are still things you cannot reveal.

❝ I feel desperate when it comes to you. Desperate and a little bit insane. All I can think about around you is what you taste like.

❝ I am trying to see things in perspective. My dog wants a bite of my peanut butter chocolate chip bagel. I know she cannot have this, because chocolate makes dogs very sick. My dog does not understand this. She pouts and wraps herself around my leg like a scarf and purrs and tries to convince me to give her just a tiny bit. When I do not give in, she eventually gives up and lays in the corner, under the piano, drooping and sad. I hope the universe has my best interest in mind like I have my dog’s. When I want something with my whole being, and the universe withholds it from me, I hope the universe thinks to herself: "Silly girl. She thinks this is what she wants, but she does not understand how it will hurt.

❝ You’re what you love, you’re not what you look like or the body you are in.

❝ Sometimes you meet someone and even though you never liked brown eyes before, their eyes are your new favourite colour.

❝ We write to taste life twice, in the moment, and in retrospection.

❝ I’m a paradox. I want to be happy, but I think of things that make me sad. I’m lazy, yet I’m ambitious. I don’t like myself, but I also love who I am. I say I don’t care, but I really do. I crave attention, but reject it when it comes my way. I’m a conflicted contradiction. If I can’t figure myself out, there’s no way anyone else has.

❝ Because if we know anything about God, then we're God.

❝ ...but perhaps we should love what we cannot understand. - Albert Camus

❝ do not let other people's concept of happiness ruin your concept of happiness

❝ They say you don’t get over someone until you find someone or something better. As humans, we don’t deal well with emptiness. Any empty space must be filled. Immediately. The pain of emptiness is too strong. It compels the victim to fill that place. A single moment with that empty spot causes excruciating pain. That’s why we run from distraction to distraction and from attachment to attachment.

I didn’t fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way.

mar 20 2015 ∞
jun 20 2017 +