view the world through an enchanted, mystical or distorted lens. have a positive nature with the gift of laughter. here’s an adventurous, free loving spirit who sees the bigger, philosophical picture. have a gift for story and the honest, if exaggerated, heart of things. loving, empathetic and vulnerable, has a highly intuitive and soft component to the personality.
more than other intuitive feeling types, are focused on making the world a better place for people. their primary goal is to find out their meaning in life. what is their purpose? how can they best serve humanity in their lives? they are idealists and perfectionists, who drive themselves hard in their quest for achieving the goals they have identified for themselves.
the fours have the motivational need to express their uniqueness and be authentic. fours value individualism and as a result, feelings, self-expression and purpose will be important to them. they are quite romantic at heart and appreciate beauty and creating meaning for themselves and for others. a less healthy four may feel misunderstood, while others experience them as melancholic and temperamental. this pattern stems from the Four’s acute awareness of their own wounds and flaws.
the nines are motivated by a need to be settled and in harmony with the world and, as a result, being accommodating and accepting will be important to them. at their best, nines are experienced as self-aware and vibrant. a less-healthy nine may be experienced as procrastinating, stubborn and self-denying. this stems from a pattern of going along to get along with others and the eventual discomfort that arises when this strategy is not satisfying.
their tranquil and reserved exterior masks a passionate inner life. healers care deeply about causes that interest them, and they often pursue those causes with selfless devotion. they are highly compassionate and empathetic to the needs of others, seeking to bring peace, health, and integrity to their companions and to society at large. they want to heal the problems that trouble individuals and correct the conflicts that divide social groups.