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i'm not really a very nice person, i get angry about a lot of things. listmaking helps me to order my brain, or at least give me something to work towards.

listography NEW NEWS
  • i get angry quickly & hold grudges forever
  • if my housemates dont do their dishes i passively-agressively pile them precariously to attract their attention
  • i hoard toilet paper that i steal from work
  • i dominate in house decor & will move anything i dont like into the shed
  • everyone elses incense smells disgusting
  • if someone elses food is rotting in the fridge i won't clean it but will stare at it for weeks hating them
  • if you use a peg per sock, expect to find your socks missing
  • i will disconnect the modem to stop other people streaming endless porn
  • i have low expectations of everyone in the house and will groan and complain when they meet them
  • i go in housemates bedrooms. it's important to me, and has often uncovered mail theft/general item theft
  • if i'm always the one buying toilet paper, detergent and laundry powder, i will keep it under lock and key
  • my sheets take up the whole washing line, get over it
dec 9 2009 ∞
dec 9 2009 +