• 01. another killing chemistry class (i hope arlan knows i'm trying my best), cris is finally back, last anatomy test with braz, video call with samara, savyo & babi;
  • 02. first class with rose!, thursdays are kinda busy, seeing ana makes me the happiest♥, trying to let go, calling nani;
  • 03. FRIDAY FRIDAY, i don't know what happened but i was completely clueless half of the time, edilson is losing it, speaking my heart out!, mamma mia + call;
  • 04. i was so useless tbh, watching movies with ana and eating a lot, i'm only a friend when they need something, my day ended being kinda sad;
  • 05. uploading this on the 12 and i can't remember a thing, i probably studied for chemistry and stressed out over sundays, because i hate sundays, sundays are awful;
  • 06. mondays are tiring, my sandals failed me, getting late, lorenzo's oil and going home late;
  • 07. thursdays are better, kyria and edigenia classes, doing crazy things for chemistry, i'm so tired of being dumb lmao, crying.......;
  • 08. crying my heart out because i'm such a failure in so many ways, everything's going wrong, but i still have ana by my side, she keeps me warm, tears tears;
  • 09. seeing my father and my brother after a long ass day, subway yay!~, first week without meat, trying to get better;
  • 10. so what up with physics, trying not to freak out, crying with my mother, ending up with a nice day and my brother's birthday party, having orange juice with my baby;
  • 12. happy father's day ~nay!!, playing with my siblings, studying biochem, being the failure that i am, capuccino;
  • 13. probably having a terrible night of sleep and going to class, i hate mondays but biochem goes off, had a test and failed, well, well, well;
  • 14. so many things to do so little time, phew phew, i'm making this 12 days later and i can't remember a thing, i'm tired;
  • 15. studying for gincana, farmacodrama eating up our asses, one week to go, we're losing our minds;
  • 16. stressing over our gincana but everything goes well, physics grades, yay, nay, tired;
  • 17. physics test & studying all day long, discussion with my classmates yeap, going home late, holding ana makes me calm;
  • 18. trying to study but, failing completely oh my god i'm such a loser, yeap yeap, can't remember this day tbh;
  • 19. i'm sick and having tea these days, not eating because vittacardio, trying to study but failing, trying not to lose my mind, sleepy ass;
  • 20. farmacodrama said fuck giovanna lives, we singing, we dancing, we making weird moves, having dinner at uni;
  • 21. final act, this one random guy trying to get in our group, smh, but everything goes well in the end, the last one to leave;
  • 22. farmacodrama finally HAPPENED, messed up feelings, falling asleep literally everywhere, i'm so confused, PEACE;
  • 23. a different day, telling stories and getting to know my frieds, natalia's changing, we all are, strange feeling;
  • 24. my sister's birthday!, having hot dogs for dinner!, cake i love cake, biochem class, crying from happiness;
  • 25. the happiest day, watching something in the rain with ana, going out with my family, having chicken for dinner, going to juazeiro;
  • 26. did i mention i hate sundays, ding dong, brigadeiro made by me, having beer, studying;
  • 27. monday and biochem class, anatomy test, studying for presentation, not feeling so well;
  • 28. everything's cancelled and we're fucked, studying biochem, talking a walk with ana, capuccino, wiig;
  • 29. chemistry classes, going down with physics, subway, i'm really stupid, ruining things;
  • 30. making soap!, going home with joão, trying to study chemistry, who am i, my aunt;
  • 31. buying books!, biochem class, broken things, strawberry mix, sleeping early;
aug 4 2018 ∞
sep 1 2018 +