• (@ shades-of-people, hereunoia, flowerais, dracospungen. draamione on tumblr) // insp

the big seven

  • harry: just wants to get an extra hour of sleep, procrastinator, overthinking the little things, contagious smiles, heart of gold, bear hugs, witty remarks, blasting music out of car windows, sports-oriented, bruised knees.
  • ginny: summer fruit salad, would die for their friends; loud and obnoxious, distinctive voice, vanilla scented candles, raging feminist, neon lights, outdoor concerts, inside jokes, electric guitars.

hogwarts houses

  • gryffindor: high messy ponytails, bleeding knuckles, showing off your motorbike, hugs that take your breath away, accompanying your friends home, bad jokes, comforting your friends after a horror movie, underlining everything from the textbook, truth or dare, listener, not caring about getting wet under the rain, drinking a full glass of water at once, always taking pics of you and your friends when having fun, realizing you are happy when you are with your loved ones, sport events with your friends, stadium lights, 3 am conversations.

the marauders

  • james potter: would die for their friends, a tease, fresh air and a summer’s breeze, quick with words, beautiful memories, in search for a purpose, clever remarks, ever changing fashion styles, loves passionately, bronze sunsets, longs for the future, can be too judgemental, multi talented, encouraging smiles.

a bird

  • canary: artistic, getting excited easily, dancing and singing while you are alone, looking at your friends having fun, no phone, being afraid of judgement, spring, a meaningful gift, the first ray of sunlight.

a greek god/goddess

  • hades: hand kisses, side looks, wearing too many pairs of socks, cold, understanding love, silence and serenity, looking sad and feeling low, crying while being angry, hands on the chest, falling in love heavily, creating a wall for people to not hurt you, looking through a window while light rain hits the glass, half light.
  • persephone: always trying to improve herself, feeling as if you were not enough, falling in love with the things that are the oppsite of you, baking, radiant, never doing what people expect you to do, a picnic basket full of apples and peaches, flower crowns, independent and soft, cheek kisses, spring, blooming.

a museum

  • science museum: childlish, falling in love easily, never getting messages from the people you like, traveling with a friend in silence on the bus, head full of unexplored ideas, enjoying how the time passes by, always bumping into the same people but never talking to them, constant fear of falling, sweet voice, almonds, cold feet, feeling like a wave, understanding the universe.


  • realistic fiction: opinionated, imaginative, thoughtful, perhaps even impulsive, eyes that are full of depth, words always on the tip of their tongue, sarcastic, escapist, has a flare for the dramatic, says what they nean when they feel it’s necessary, unafraid to dream, but keeps their dreams realistic.

the weather

  • wind: wilderness in their eyes, restless spirit, lonely, cold hands, doesn’t like to be tied down, undpredictable, calm and peaceful at one moment, angry and roaring the next, slim body, wiry features, careless, a fierce look about them, almost never fully opens up, hardly trusts anyone.


  • pulsar: tangled earphones, listens to others but never opens up about themselves, dark skies, writes reminders on their hands, gives warm hugs, always takes the window seat, plays animal crossing, eats ice cream in winter.
  • blue giant: hotheaded at times, uses post-it notes to mark their favorite parts in books, writes very long birthday texts, sometimes forgets to bring the house keys, always recommends the best tv shows, will link arms with others unexpectedly, likes to have long conversations at night, keeps putting others first.

french words

  • nébuleux: comes off as intimidating, loves astrology, dark aes, difficult to truly get to know, probably has some tragic backstory you’ll never unlock, pics of the sky.
  • murmure: loves the moon, soft spoken, hates arguments but will straight up murder for their friends, the person everyone confides their fears & secrets to.

fantasy creatures

  • faeries: loves floral scents, often loses track of time by being in the clouds too much, sings along to the radio, gets sad when they think about their past.
  • dragons: easily excited and likes being the centre of attention, warm heart and friendly to everyone, secretly holds grudges, likes adrenaline rushes.
  • elves: eloquent speakers or thinkers, constant sarcastic internal monologue, very competitive but they don’t show it, acts cold but are secretly soft.
mar 22 2019 ∞
mar 22 2019 +