narciso, caravaggio (1597-1599)
birth of venus, sandro boticelli (1484–1486)
abaporu, tarsila do amaral (1928)
golconda, rené megritte (1953)
the scream, edward munch (1893)
the tub, edgard degas (1886)
the avenue, claude monet (1878)

starry night, van gogh (1889)

davi and goliath, caravaggio (1609-1610)
starry night over the rhone, van gogh (1888)
blossoming almond tree, van gogh (1890)
vase with poppies, cornflowers, peonies and chrysanthemums, van gogh (1886)
black square, kazimir malevich (1920-1930)
airplane flying, kazimir malevich (1915)
white on white, kazimir malevich (1918)
prayer, kazimir malevich (1907)
miranda, john william waterhouse (1916)
vincent's bedroom in arles, van gogh (1888-1889)
mona lisa, leonardo da vinci (1503-1506)

dec 1 2017 ∞
jan 9 2019 +