-sett/rakan (league of legends) pwp
- rakan needs to infiltrate setts fight club for rebel info? xayah cant do it bc too recognizeable (but rakan isnt bc LOGIC), doesnt trust anyone else to do it, you gotta do it bby
- anythin for u bbbbbbbbby. how far u want me to go for this
- as far as needed
- he shows up, does a few matches, not really fighting so much as dancing his way to victory idk
- catches setts eye and bingobongo target acquired
- idk weird game of seduction after that. WERE SWINGERS BABY
- but ofc sett knows who tf he is and doesnt appreciate gettin spied on
- overhaul the most non-phys dom to ever exist
- sittin on tomuras dick RESHAPIN IT TO SUIT HIS NEEDS LOL
- shigaraki has a pain kink maybe? tear self apart, reassamble, get off on it, while overhaul has a weird fetish about fucking someone so absolutely fucking disgusting as shigaraki so clearly is lol
- THE wendigo is THE head honcho evil spirit, what people turn into as a result from spirit infusion is called somethin else, eg, THE wendigo and A wendigo
- destruction of THE wendigo a cure for A wendigo
- hard to decipher texts regarding... wendi-ness when theres so many variations and lore surrounding; they think all lore was mentioning was ONE wendigo thing, but later realize it was referring to two things. THE and A.
- big ol OH FUCK moment
- when researching, they (whoever this is about) cant translate works properly. google translate does google translate things. notice slight variations in the words, like, one mention of "wendigo" different than "Wendigo". could just be weird sentence structure or masc/fem word variants.
- some sorta lorekeeper enters the scene and like, u dumbos. 'masculine ha prefaces common name, feminine he prefaces Capital Letter Names'
-21 DAYS
- light jet/zuko??
- 'what if, instead of being consumed with tryina prove zukos a firebender he just.... calmlly stalked him and then talked to him about it'
- so no dai li brainwashed jet dying in a cave
- instead, jet havin tea dates to judge zukos character or somethin LOL
- eventually finds a wanted poster and puts two and two together
- 'if not me, then someone else, and it wont just be your life getting upset, but the old mans, too, and tbh, im surprised its taken this long for anyone to figure it out when u go around wearing that so boldly'
- 'oh im SORRY i didnt realize being HORRIFICALLY SCARRED was a fashion accessory i could choose to take off.'
- 'ur not happy here' 'im never happy' 'WOW edgy'
- first tea date is somethin like, jet comin in like, table for 2 @ zuko and zuko bein like cant seat ya unless ya whole partys here and jets like. me nd u binch we here
- get seated, iroh gives zuko a LOOK like 'is this trubs' but nah
- jet discusses ratting them out, zuko like, well, what u want then
- agrees to meet him somewhere more privvy, zuko lies to iroh and says its another date with jin, so he goes to the warehouse all dolled up and with flowers lmfaoooo
- they talk shit out maybe? fight a lil? eventually it ends with DEEP TALK
- like, 'whats teh worst thing uve ever done in the name of the fire nation.' 'i razed countless villages' 'u ever killed anyone?' '...once'
- zuko recounts a tale where he killed one of his own army dudes bc he was boutta rape a girl. saved her, blamed dudes death on war or somethin
- jet gets a p good idea of zukos chara and deems him not bad or whatever and pitches the idea of leaving ba sing se
- 'join us/come away with me' somethin gay and sappy
-iasip mac ww??
- gets bit by cricket late one night when takin out trash or somethin that charlie was supposed to do but hes awol and that shits rancid
- cricket runs off into the night and macs like whuddafuq and goes back in to inform gang he been bit and theyre like ew
- mac shrugs it off tho goes home and gets sick but then is fine, thinks nothing of it
- cricket at hte bar next day and mac gets mad at him and crickets tryina talk at him, babblin about stuff
- idk what happens for a lil bit but then next full moon comes and then awooooo time; mac was hype for it to happen tho but then PAIN and oof ouch bone hurty
- gangs initial thoughts: we gotta monetize this