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my name is al and i like to blink. i also like music a lot. just 'cause. also what the fuck is up with the unnecessary italics? fuck's sake.

listography NEW NEWS
  • getting scolded at by my pre-k teacher for doing my work too fast and sloppy
  • my bracelet snapping on me on my wrist right before i was supposed to be getting an award for my kindergarten graduation
  • my bitch babysitter (and, i swear to god) pulling a knife on me and laughing at me
  • getting a staple stuck in my skin at school
  • getting lost after school and having to find my own way back home
  • my father telling me to pull his belt out of the drawer so he could (i swear to you) beat me with it after i spilled milk on the floor
  • my mother slapping me repeatedly across the face when i (and this a real fucking stupid reason to hit your kid) corrected my own work in my kinder class

moral is to never raise your kids in the philippines. my parents seem awfully abusive now i've written these down.

aug 31 2011 ∞
aug 31 2011 +