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my name is al and i like to blink. i also like music a lot. just 'cause. also what the fuck is up with the unnecessary italics? fuck's sake.

listography NEW NEWS
  • the feeling you get when you wake up with a stupid smile on your face in the morning
  • falling in public and realizing you don't give a shit because it probably looked hilarious
  • your favorite song on a record player
  • kisses on the side of your mouth
  • hearing a baby's laugh
  • when you realize you've just gotten hit on
  • having a dog lick at your face
  • being sung a lullaby as you fall asleep
  • the feeling you get when you get to see someone you've missed dearly
  • riding a roller coaster
  • when you have just glimpsed at someone so unbelievably and inconceivably beautiful and they are staring right back
  • having a beer and cigarette on your front porch
  • when people laugh at your stupid jokes
  • when someone tells you to have sweet dreams right before you fall asleep, and you do happen to
  • when you look in the mirror and like what you see
aug 31 2011 ∞
aug 31 2011 +