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i want to meet people with bigger dreams than me, that inspire me, that make me want to get up and do something, that are filled to the brew with valor. i want to meet someone who makes me jump for joy at the drop of a pin. i want to meet someone who will stay up until four in the morning to watch roseanne. hop to it.

  • first and foremost, personal health and wellbeing
    • i've been neglecting this and in order to fix it i am going to stop eating out. i'm going to make a list of good food for my mom to buy and i am going to try to start working out next week.
  • school
    • another i've been neglecting. i'm a procrastinator, and it's usually worked for me. actually right now, i'm supposed to be writing a paper. ha. i suck.
  • family/house chores
    • yuck. i've been neglecting this too. so i pledge to clean a load of dishes every WEEKDAY. also, i plan on seeing my dad more often
  • boyfriend/friends
    • this should be the easiest. and this is the one that had been getting most of my time lately. notice it's number four on the list. so i'm going to start saying no to some of the plans i make with friends. or maybe keep friend dates to like mondays and wednesday and then weekends. yeah. maybe.
  • saving money
    • this is the worst. i need to stop eating out, which i plan on doing already anyway based on my first priority. this will seriously save me so much money. i'm going to try to put at least $75 from every check into a savings account.

why can't i just be rich and famous so i can tell everyone to fuck off when they tell me my priorities are amiss?

sep 25 2008 ∞
jun 27 2009 +