• good quotes.
  • seeing lightening from a safe place.
  • falling asleep to the sound of light rain on the roof.
  • baby puppies
  • music that describes EXACTLY what i feel.
  • finding people that can relate to me.
  • starbucks's peppermint mocha.
  • great friends.
  • having someone to talk to.
  • going to a concert of a band i love & know allll the words.
  • smooth legs.
  • flavored lip gloss.
  • good dreams. even if i never tell anyone, i'll still have it to myself.
  • being home alone & blasting the radio.
  • when someone else says something that triggers a memory & me and my friends start laughing cause we instantly know what the other is thinking.
  • my apple macbook :)
  • those rare days in florida when it is actually not hot or cold, but instead simply amazing. more or less like cali.
feb 12 2009 ∞
jan 11 2013 +