♡ Baccano
- ✔ 1930: The Rolling Bootlegs
- ✔ 1931: The Grand Punk Railroad - Local Episode ♡
- ✔ 1931: The Grand Punk Railroad - Express Episode ♡
- ✔ 1932: Drugs & The Dominos
- ✔ 2001: The Children of the Bottle
- ✔ 1933: The Slash - Cloudy to Rainy
- ✔ 1933: The Slash - Bloody to Fair
- ✔ 1934: Alice in Jails - Prison Episode
- 1934: Alice in Jails - Street Episode
- 1934:Peter Pan in Chains - Final Episode
- ✔ 1705: The Ironic Light Orchestra
- ✔ 2002 [A Side]: Bullet Garden
- ✔ 2002 [B Side]: Blood Sabbath
- ✔ 1931: Another Junk Railroad
- ✔ 1710: Crack Flag ♡♡
- ✔ 1932: Summer - Man in the Killer
- ✔ 1711: Whitesmile ♡
- 1935-A: Deep Marble
- 1935-B: Dr.Feelgreed
♡To aru Majutsu no Index
♡Zaregoto Series
dec 21 2012 ∞
sep 8 2013 +