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  • BABY'S BREATH by jindeul
    • summary: My name is Byun Baekhyun. My stepbrother's name is Park Chanyeol. I'm the captain of my school's varsity soccer team and I have good grades, more or less. My stepbrother has a "below average" IQ of 65. He's been home-schooled for the majority of his life. Yes, he's mentally retarted. Intellectually disabled. Cognitively handicapped. Whatever you call it. He doesn't do much with his life but water the plants at our family's florist shop and try solve second grade math problems. He still counts on his fingers. Life's been different, to say the least, ever since he moved in with us. My name is Byun Baekhyun and I want my stupid stepbrother to disappear.
    • trailer // ENG // INA trans
  • 10080 by exobubz
jul 17 2018 ∞
aug 22 2018 +