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  • ANTEROGRADE TOMORROW by changdictator
    • summary: Kyungsoo is stuck in the hours while Jongin begs the seconds, because time stops for someone who can't remember and runs from someone who can't miss the last train home.
    • trailer // ENG // INA trans
  • LAST JANUARY by vaeliselva
    • summary: I realized that the person who made me happily smile more than anyone else in the world can't be you anymore.
    • trailer // ENG // INA trans
  • COUNTDOWN by adorableprince
  • THE LAST STRAW by nestine
jul 16 2018 ∞
aug 22 2018 +
  • In a world where everyone finds their soulmate on the day of their 18th birthday, Jongin wakes up to find out that the lonely bullied kid from their class is his soulmate and isn't happy about that. Years after the day he rejected Kyungsoo, he meets him again as he moves in in the appartment next to his. He regrets what he has done and hopes to get to know Kyungsoo better, however Kyungsoo hasn't forgiven him. Soulmate!au
  • Kyungsoo gives a speech during jongin's wedding as his best man while trying to not cough out flowers. Hanahaki!au
    • + Kyungsoo been in love with jongin since young and willing to sacrifice for jongin. Kyungsoo gets the surgery instead of dying. Jongin realises too late and coughs...
aug 13 2018 ∞
aug 22 2018 +
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  • BABY'S BREATH by jindeul
    • summary: My name is Byun Baekhyun. My stepbrother's name is Park Chanyeol. I'm the captain of my school's varsity soccer team and I have good grades, more or less. My stepbrother has a "below average" IQ of 65. He's been home-schooled for the majority of his life. Yes, he's mentally retarted. Intellectually disabled. Cognitively handicapped. Whatever you call it. He doesn't do much with his life but water the plants at our family's florist shop and try solve second grade math problems. He still counts on his fingers. Life's been different, to say the least, ever since he moved in with us. My name is Byun Baekhyun and I want my stupid stepbrother to disappear .
    • trailer // ENG // INA trans
  • 10080 by exobubz
jul 17 2018 ∞
aug 22 2018 +
  • Their eyes met & Soo’s body froze. The intensity in which the stranger stared into his soul made his heart race, his cheeks burn. Ksoo ran & hid behind his door, a barely audible sigh leaving his lips. He fell for his new neighbor. Little did he know that the man next door was blind.
  • Age 9 and 8, Jongin & kyungsoo made a pinky promise to marry each other if they weren’t married in 20 years. Fast forward, Kyungsoo unconsciously sabotaged every relation he had while Jongin is getting married next month. They meet.
  • After checking the Island, ruthless businessman Kim had a fiery clash with fisherman Soo. Kim fell off his yacht & suffered memory loss. Deciding to deal with consc...
aug 12 2018 ∞
aug 22 2018 +

main pairing: kaisoo ♡ (kai―kim jongin x d.o―do kyungsoo)

first, i'm more of a comic than novel person. so i rarely read fanfic. moreover, i have many provisions whether i will read or drop a fanfic.

my fav fanfics (mostly) contain angst, character death, or depression. because i love suffering and crying over these kind of genres /n0.

hmm yeah, anyway you can learn so much about LIFE from fanfics ^^

jul 20 2018 ∞
aug 22 2018 +

fluff kaisoo | if you're tired almost dead because of angst, enjoy these fics and feel the good vibes. mood up up up.

  • Spoiled city boy Jongin and pure country boy Kyungsoo.
    • author: @exoujuau // LINK
  • Where jongin is intimidated by kyungsoo because he looks creepy and kyungsoo hates jongin because he thinks he’s just another playboy.
    • author: @exoujuau // LINK
  • Do kyungsoo hates his childhood best friend kim jongin. Kim jongin is a famous supermodel and do kyungsoo is a pharmacist at the little town where he was born. A big high school reunion is coming.
    • author: @ziwooi // LINK
  • Where jongin has a crush on the guy he sa...
jul 24 2018 ∞
sep 1 2018 +

|´∀`●) i also wrote kaisoo prompts aaaand if you want to read it this is the link

dec 3 2018 ∞
dec 3 2018 +