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  • ANTEROGRADE TOMORROW by changdictator
    • summary: Kyungsoo is stuck in the hours while Jongin begs the seconds, because time stops for someone who can't remember and runs from someone who can't miss the last train home.
    • trailer // ENG // INA trans
  • LAST JANUARY by vaeliselva
    • summary: I realized that the person who made me happily smile more than anyone else in the world can't be you anymore.
    • trailer // ENG // INA trans
  • COUNTDOWN by adorableprince
  • THE LAST STRAW by nestine
    • summary: If only we could erase our memories. At this moment, I envy those who can't remember at least they won't feel the pain of the ones who can.
    • ENG
  • A THOUSAND SEPTEMBERS by afflatusadroit
    • summary: Jongin is homeless, but owns a home. Kyungsoo owns a penthouse, but is homeless.
    • ENG // INA trans
  • THE BOY WITH THE BLUES by FireonWater
    • summary: Kyungsoo seemed like a relatively normal kid, even if he was bullied. His main torturer was a boy named Kai. But will Kai see something about Kyungsoo that will change how he acts?
    • trailer // ENG
  • DON'T FORGET ME by adorableprince
    • summary: He was ten when it first started happening. He was making them forget.
    • ENG
jul 16 2018 ∞
aug 22 2018 +