• what are you wearing? haha oh man, I'm in grey sweats, a grey sweatshirt, nike socks, sweater boots, and a babushka scarf. this is embarrassing
  • have you ever been in love? not really. not yet. I have fallen pretty hard into one sided loves, though.
  • how tall are you? five foot two.
  • how much do you weigh? 115 lbs.
  • what is your favourite show? The Orange County.
  • what are your favourite bands/singers? Ben Howard, Lana, The Neighbourhood, Purity Ring
  • what is something you miss? my sister. my bestie, who is sick. having clear skin.
  • what is your favourite song? Conrad, Ben Howard.
  • what is your favourite quote? "Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary, boys." Dead Poets Society
  • who is your favourite actor or actress? still not sure.
  • what is your favourite colour? always baby pink
  • do you prefer loud music or soft music? both. depends on my mood.
  • where do you go when you're sad? my bed. Pinterest.
  • how long does it take you to shower? far too long, really.
  • how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? still pretty long, but I've started making smoothies for breakfast and that has saved me a lot of time.
  • have you ever been in a physical fight? again, only with myself.
  • what is something that turns you on? kind hearts. sensitivity. warm hands.
  • what is something that turns you off? being an ass.
  • what are your fears? my kitty running away. humiliating myself in front of people.
  • what was the last thing that made you cry? my red and dry and acne covered face.
  • when was the last time you said you loved someone? this morning, to my momma.
  • what was the last book you read? The Catcher in the Rye.
  • what book are you currently reading? Tom Sawyer.
  • who was the last person you talked to? my brown haired bestie
  • what is the relationship between you and the last person you texted? besties (my blonde bestie)
  • what is your favourite food? currently it is smoothies with spinach and lots of healthy things.
  • what is the place you most want to visit? English Countryside, oh so badly. Cornwall in particular.
  • where was the last place you visited? New York, up in Poukeepsie and in the Hudson Valley. upstate NY is gorgeous.
  • do you have a crush? yes, and we're hanging out this weekend...very very excited :)
  • what is your favourite flavour of sweet? honey!
  • what is your favourite piece of jewellery? in the moment it is a thin gold chain necklace with a tiny starfish pendant.
  • what was the last sport you played? figure skating last saturday.
  • what was the last song you sang? summertime sadness by lana, as i was making a smoothie. :-)
jan 12 2015 ∞
jan 12 2015 +