- a fancy for classical music
- a fancy for gardens
- a fancy for habits
- a fancy for traditions and customs
- aching knees and elbows
- always wearing house slippers and wool socks
- bad eyesight
- chronically dry skin
- comfortable, homely way to dress
- consumption of fibre
- disdain for adolescents and modern society
- disorientation
- early bedtime and early awakening
- fabric bags to go shopping
- fondness of floral patterns and old-fashioned furniture styles
- fondness of homemade meals and sweets, especially those with history
- fondness of snail mail
- inability to understand modern slang
- instinct to feed the birds
- lack of sexual drive and general dislike of sexual content
- multitude of cats (and preference of them as confidants rather than humans)
- not renewing clothing seasonally and wearing the same things yearly
- nutritional supplements and daily medicines
- perpetually, hopelessly cold, even during summertime
- preference (and insistence) to stay home over going out
- preference for former fashions
- rather superstitious
- reminiscence
- repeating stories too many times and having others reprimand me for it
- resentment against technology
- special remembrance for long forgone historical events
- sticky pads in the shower
- talking back to the television and other devices
- usage of old-fashioned / fancy vocabulary
- weakness, tiredness, muscle straining
feb 3 2012 ∞
feb 22 2012 +