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  • My mum & dad. I don't think a single day passes that I am not grateful for having them in my life, I love them a whole lot!
  • An open mind. Having one lets you see the world in so many new ways, & lets you make friends with anyone & everyone. Knowing that 'there are as many ways to live as there are people in this world' makes you want to see more of it.
  • a job I like. The other day my co-worker & I were cracking up over something, & I just said "I like our job." I guess not everyone can say that, & it's good to know that where you spend x many hours a week is not going to be spent unenjoyed. Plus, I get to drink coffee there!
  • That there are always options.
  • Vegetarian chilli & other various meals that can be made vegetarian.
  • That I've stayed friends with good people.
  • A sister who is getting a phD in psychology. I'm not just proud/jealous of her, but she also knows how to help me when I'm anxious. It used to bother me, but I appreciate it.
  • That I'm so blessed to have what I have--I don't have everything in the world I could ever want, but I have enough.
  • The internet! I know it's the master of time suckage, but it fights boredom & it allows people to keep in touch.
  • My friend Ellen. She's quite a bit like me...we look so much the same that people are always gettting us confused...but I think she's a better version of me, & I love that because it's like a role model I know I can live up to. Plus, she's a doll! =)
  • My kitty Poppy. She's so cute you just want to eat her like a little cupcake.
  • People who smile back at me when I'm having a good day & start smiling at everyone. I <3 that, I really do!
  • When people appreciate me...that sounds incredibly corny, but it's really one of the best feelings, just knowing that you mean something to someone.
jan 28 2009 ∞
feb 3 2009 +