• if you only/often post nsfw or leave it untagged.
  • you're a transmedicalist or shame trans people for their experiences
  • you're 16 or under. more often than not i'll likely softblock younger followers
  • you support incest / pedophilia
  • call yourself a proshipper

just don't be a shitty human being or a freak and we're cool 👍

  • i tag general trigger warnings but i may forget obscure triggers. let me know if i miss something and want a post tagged
  • pretty interactive w mutuals posts!! so if we’re following each other feel free to chat w me or tag me in things i honestly don’t mind :) my silent mutuals are also respected i see you gamers
  • i rt a variety of my interests + tht fluctuates i'm just here to have a good time! <|:]
apr 3 2024 ∞
jun 26 2024 +