• —— 「♥」 Orpheus is the sort of creature that is best seen at only a few times of day. During the night, most of his pelt seems to vanish into the dark. You'll see the large patches of white that bleed up from his paws to his stomach, up his throat and jaw, each piece becoming a bright white splatter, but the rest of it is too easily obscured. The true pink and red hues are only visible in broad daylight, and most beautiful at dawn. The early morning sky seems to be reflected on Orpheus's body, a soft, berry-like red color at his back that shifts to a gentle plum and finally to a pale, pale rose. The colors are broken up only by the smatterings of white and long, jagged ebony stripes which leave his short, barely-grown mane beautifully lined between red and black. His eyes are the color of the dawn, with pale violet and cream hues. Overall, he looks like any bits and pieces of the day you could imagine.
  • —— 「♥」 He's hardly a large creature, smaller than even a typical lioness would be at slightly under three feet tall at the shoulder, yet Orpheus is still built rather well. Not broad or intimidating, but lithe and toned with a very easy strength. His strongest quality would perhaps be his agility or general skill with acrobatic movements. Though small, his body is crossed with scars that show just how indelicate he really is. Toughness isn't something that comes from size alone.
jan 8 2019 ∞
jan 8 2019 +