• 「♥」 Orpheus. Nicknames TBA. | Transgender Male; He.
  • 「♥」 Around three years old. | Birthday and zodiac sign?
  • — 「♥」 Trim, athletic sunset lion with dawn-colored eyes.
  • — 「♥」 Playful, flirtatious. Charismatic, kind. Deceptive.
  • 「♥」 SHP: The Ascendants | Titles Include: Promised
  • 「♥」 Pretty fucking gay | Single; kinda missing someone
jan 8 2019 ∞
jan 8 2019 +
  • 「♥」 Dependent on certain people, tends to function to a lesser capacity without that contact.
  • 「♥」 Can at times be capricious or fickle, more with loyalties/attachments than with affection.
  • 「♥」 Idealistic, at times to the point of being impractical with his hopes. Will make sacrifices.
  • 「♥」 A strange mix of callously impatient and far too patient, seems to flip between the two.
  • 「♥」 Impish. Sort of annoyingly playful and mischievous, causes a lot of trouble with this lmao.
  • 「♥」 Overemotional and easily swayed by it. Can act impulsively because of this. Uncontrolled.
  • 「♥」 Temperamental, volatile. Generally high-spirited and difficult to contain. Sometimes moody.
jan 15 2019 ∞
jan 15 2019 +
  • —— 「♥」 There are two words that could drag all of Orpheus's secrets to the surface: "trust", and "issues". Although the lion may seem charming and amiable — his open, brazenly flirtatious nature can be both addicting and deceiving — you would be surprised by just how many deft twists he takes to ensure that nobody gets close to him. If you pay close enough attention, you'll find that although it's easy to open up to someone who listens so attentively and sympathetically, he never quite seems to return the favor. Mostly, that's because Orpheus knows that his baggage is a little too heavy for most people. His inner turmoil rarely makes itself known, but when it does, it tends to be in sharp outbursts that leave him curled into a ball. Even though he wants nothing more than someone he can talk to all through the night with, he resorts to ...
jan 15 2019 ∞
jan 15 2019 +
  • 「♥」 Generation One | NPC x NPC; abandoned
  • —— 「♥」 Considers his father to be Brigand.
  • —— 「♥」 Adopted by him, though he's dead now.
  • 「♥」 Single | Has very little romantic experience.
  • —— 「♥」 No base for a healthy relationship | Coy.
  • —— 「♥」 Crushes easily but rarely acts on it.
  • 「♥」 Current crushes: 2 [ Ambroise, Clarence, ? ]
jan 8 2019 ∞
jan 8 2019 +

Names will be listed alphabetically if I'm not too lazy. These are taken from his heart chart and will be added as it grows.

    • [ ♥♥♥ ] : STRONG AFFECTION

AMBROISE [ ♥♥♥ ]

  • Orpheus seems to flush at the name and the accusation that comes with it, puffing out an indignant breath of air. "It's not like I know much about him. He's not much of a conversationalist is he?" It all sounds a little strangled, but he settles with a quick roll of his eyes. "He's alright. The whole... melancholic anger is a little much but I get it. Just... Don't ask?"

CLARENCE [ ♥♥♥ ]

  • He sets his book down a little quickly, t...__"Again, why are you asking?"__ It's becoming a constant, his annoyance ...__"He's... nice. Good taste in poetry and m...__ Orpheus clicks his tongue, fidgeting wit...__"I dunno. Stop asking me questions."__
jan 8 2019 ∞
jan 13 2019 +
  • 「♥」 Trim, slight build with a subtle acrobatic strength.
  • —— 「♥」 Not overly muscular, not scrawny. Pretty small.
  • —— 「♥」 Major colors in his pelt can be found here: palette
  • —— 「♥」 White sections streaked. Like he cried with makeup.
  • —— 「♥」 Has a soft, subtle mane of thick fur around his neck.
  • —— 「♥」 Littered with a bunch of small scars all over him.
  • 「♥」 Soft dawn-colored eyes; gradient from blue to orange.
jan 8 2019 ∞
jan 8 2019 +
  • —— 「♥」 Orpheus is the sort of creature that is best seen at only a few times of day. During the night, most of his pelt seems to vanish into the dark. You'll see the large patches of white that bleed up from his paws to his stomach, up his throat and jaw, each piece becoming a bright white splatter, but the rest of it is too easily obscured. The true pink and red hues are only visible in broad daylight, and most beautiful at dawn. The early morning sky seems to be reflected on Orpheus's body, a soft, berry-like red color at his back that shifts to a gentle plum and finally to a pale, pale rose. The colors are broken up only by the smatterings of white and long, jagged ebony stripes which leave his short, barely-grown mane beautifully lined between red and black. His eyes are the color of the dawn, with pale violet and cream hues. Overall, ...
jan 8 2019 ∞
jan 8 2019 +
jan 9 2019 ∞
jan 9 2019 +