• —— 「♥」 There are two words that could drag all of Orpheus's secrets to the surface: "trust", and "issues". Although the lion may seem charming and amiable — his open, brazenly flirtatious nature can be both addicting and deceiving — you would be surprised by just how many deft twists he takes to ensure that nobody gets close to him. If you pay close enough attention, you'll find that although it's easy to open up to someone who listens so attentively and sympathetically, he never quite seems to return the favor. Mostly, that's because Orpheus knows that his baggage is a little too heavy for most people. His inner turmoil rarely makes itself known, but when it does, it tends to be in sharp outbursts that leave him curled into a ball. Even though he wants nothing more than someone he can talk to all through the night with, he resorts to his flirtatiousness and coy nature to keep exactly that from coming to him. His intelligence, honesty, and overall sweetness are all held close to his chest and locked up tight — maybe it's for a reason.
  • —— 「♥」 Still, Orpheus can't help but be a person despite his deceptions. He's an incredibly soft creature, with a quietly breakable nature that he tries to hide from everyone. His past has left him with some traumas that he hasn't fully healed from. Although he's gentle and sweet, there are some things about him that are just a little too breakable to be touched. He can be vindictive and cruel at times, and when he does fall apart, it tends to be in very sharp fragments. It takes a lot to make him raise his voice, and it's certainly a little bit spectacular when he does.
jan 15 2019 ∞
jan 15 2019 +