• 「♥」 Dependent on certain people, tends to function to a lesser capacity without that contact.
  • 「♥」 Can at times be capricious or fickle, more with loyalties/attachments than with affection.
  • 「♥」 Idealistic, at times to the point of being impractical with his hopes. Will make sacrifices.
  • 「♥」 A strange mix of callously impatient and far too patient, seems to flip between the two.
  • 「♥」 Impish. Sort of annoyingly playful and mischievous, causes a lot of trouble with this lmao.
  • 「♥」 Overemotional and easily swayed by it. Can act impulsively because of this. Uncontrolled.
  • 「♥」 Temperamental, volatile. Generally high-spirited and difficult to contain. Sometimes moody.
jan 15 2019 ∞
jan 15 2019 +