Names will be listed alphabetically if I'm not too lazy. These are taken from his heart chart and will be added as it grows.

    • [ ♥♥♥ ] : STRONG AFFECTION

AMBROISE [ ♥♥♥ ]

  • Orpheus seems to flush at the name and the accusation that comes with it, puffing out an indignant breath of air. "It's not like I know much about him. He's not much of a conversationalist is he?" It all sounds a little strangled, but he settles with a quick roll of his eyes. "He's alright. The whole... melancholic anger is a little much but I get it. Just... Don't ask?"

CLARENCE [ ♥♥♥ ]

  • He sets his book down a little quickly, though his eyes don't lift from the cover for a moment. "Again, why are you asking?" It's becoming a constant, his annoyance with people poking into his relationships. Though this time there's a bit of that earlier heat back in his face. "He's... nice. Good taste in poetry and musicals." Orpheus clicks his tongue, fidgeting with the book again to keep his mind off of the lump in his throat. "I dunno. Stop asking me questions."

LINK [ ♥♥♥ ]

  • A small smile crosses his face at the mention of Link's name, though he continues to busy himself with the pile of books under his paws. "Why are you asking? He's a good kid." The lion shrugs, clearly recalling a few different moments in time. "He didn't knock over another bookshelf, did he?" Though it's meant as a joke, his expression changes. "Is he okay?"

NAME [ # ]

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus imperdiet, magna quis consequat euismod, dui velit tristique mauris, ac consequat risus dui sit amet velit.
jan 8 2019 ∞
jan 13 2019 +