the phobia list
- acrophobia - fear of heights.
- aeroacrophobia - fear of open high places.
- aichmophobia - fear of needles or pointed objects.
- hypengyophobia - fear of responsibility.
- kakorrhaphiophobia - fear of failure or defeat.
- pediophobia - fear of dolls.
- philophobia - fear of falling in love or being in love.
- pupaphobia - fear of puppets.
- scriptophobia - fear of writing in public.
- tachophobia - fear of speed.
- coulrophobia - fear of clowns.
- dentophobia - fear of dentists.
- lockiophobia - fear of childbirth.
- nosocomephobia - fear of hospitals.
- odontophobia - fear of teeth or dental surgery.
- pteromerhanophobia - fear of flying.
- tocophobia - fear of pregnancy or childbirth.
- tomophobia - fear of surgical operations.
- trypanophobia - fear of injections.
sep 12 2012 ∞
sep 12 2012 +