tips for online classes source! / x

  • try to wake up at the same time you would on a normal school day
      • making a routine and setting a time to wake up might help to make it easier to focus and work
      • waking up early will give you plenty of time to get work done earlier and have more time for yourself for the rest of the day
      • making a routine might also help you feel better
  • take notes the same way you would in class
      • you can look back at them during tests or quizzes, or if you simply don't understand something
      • just because nobody can see your notes doesn't mean they won't be useful
  • actually ask if you don't understand something
      • send emails, texts, call, ask during online classes; if you have a question, ASK IT! classes online can be confusing and your teacher will understand that, don't be shy!
  • put your phone/other electronics away
      • act like the teacher is in the room with you; don't check your phone, silence it, don't let it distract you
      • sometimes having a show/video playing in the background is nice, but it can get distracting, unless you that helps you focus more
  • try not to cheat on tests
      • it can be really easy to cheat on tests and quizzes since there's nobody who can see you doing it, but when school starts again, you won't be able to do that; try not to cheat
  • take breaks
      • give yourself breaks throughout the day! the benefit of online classes is that you can create your own schedule. if you wanna take a break for literally an HOUR, do it! make sure you're still getting work done, though
  • remember you aren't alone. don't be so hard on yourself
      • everyone is just as worried about this as you are; it's normal to feel worried. don't be afraid to ask for help if anxiety is making it impossible to focus
  • take care of yourself, too
      • if online school is starting to deteriorate your mental health, talk to someone about it, preferably your teacher so you guys can work something out.
      • if you need help with your mental health, ask for it. you aren't alone.
  • attend your video classes
      • it sounds like a drag to sit in front of a camera for hours listening to your teacher, but it'll end up being beneficial. attend your zoom classes!
  • do your work in an environment with no distractions
      • don't do it in bed, in the living room or kitchen, etc. because you'll definitely get distracted. try setting up a desk somewhere in a nice, clean room where you won't be able to get distracted by anything/anyone
  • don't skip meals, drink plenty of water
      • you'll focus better on a full stomach; listen to your body and don't overwork yourself
      • it's been scientifically proven that water helps your brain focus better
  • ask your friends if you're confused
      • chances are they're doing some of the same classes as you! if you don't wanna ask a teacher, you can always ask them
  • try to get outside at least once a day
      • take a break from school to go on a walk, sit outside for a bit, etc. it'll be refreshing!
  • put yourself first
      • school doesn't matter if your mental health is deteriorating or if you're doing bad; put yourself first. talk to people, reach out for help, and make sure you're doing okay. there is so much help out there and you're never alone

how to take cute & useful notes source!

  • be practical
      • cute notes are nice, but they don't necessarily add anything useful
      • keep it simple, don't go too overboard
      • don't spend HOURS just making your notes look more aesthetic; it doesn't actually add anything
  • write down everything your teacher tells you to
      • emphasis on what they TELL YOU to write down; you don't have to write down every single thing they say
      • shorten words, simplify definitions, etc.
  • notes are for your future self to use; make them useful to yourself
      • add things you think would help you in the future
      • make your notes actually useful so you'll end up using them
      • don't focus too much on making it neat, just make sure it's coherent and organized
  • do it in pencil first
      • do it pencil, that way you can erase any mistakes!
      • you can go over it in pen/marker later on if you'd like
  • add some color
      • the more colorful, the more you're likely to look at it; have a theme and use it for your notes!
  • keep them all in one place
      • keep notes that are similar to eachother in one notebook, folder, binder, etc.
  • if you miss something, you can always ask your teacher about it later on
      • if you have questions, and i cannot stress this enough, ASK THEM!
aug 12 2020 ∞
aug 13 2020 +