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Based on what I've learned, things I've read, movies I've seen, I have come to several conclusions regarding how I plan to live my life in the future. I know exactly what I want, and the same goes for what I absolutely do not want.

  • I want to make something out of myself, make a difference.
  • I don't want to be a soccer mom.
  • I don't want to have kids too early.
  • I want someone who shares my love for music.
  • I don't want to work a mundane 9-5 desk job. I'd rather die.
  • I don't want to be rich.
  • I want a hands on, interactive, creative, busy career.
  • I want to live in the city.
  • I want to continue pursuing creative outlets.
  • I want to preserve my youth.
  • I don't want to focus as much on the future that I forget to live in the present.
  • I want to take chances.
  • I want to express myself in as many was as possible.
  • I never want to stop learning.
  • Never stop dreaming, never stop being inspired.
  • Don't start smoking.
  • IM Convo to keep in mind:
    • "I think most ppl would take this the wrong way and idrk how to explain it, but i don't think i would ever want to be WEALTHY. like... i'm not trying to say like i don't want to have a sucessful future bc that's not what i mean, but like, i really have NO desire to be rich at all. i think i'd be miserable in a way if i was rich. bc when i think about ppl with a lot of money who are like lawyers and doctors and all that, they just seems so materialistic and fake and cookie-cutter people with living the "perfect american dream" and that is NOT what i want, at all. like, i do NOT want to grow up and be a soccer mom who stays at home cleaning the house and tooting children around in my mini van all day. that's just not the kind of life i want, ya know?? because the way i see it, you can be perfectly happy without a ton of money. is money important in this society? unfortunately, yes. and i completely get that, but when u put it into perspective i think i'd rather be happy doing something that didn't pay a crap ton of money with somebody who just wants to do the same thing."
    • "like, u know how in movies or something, you see that young couple living together trying to scrape by w/o a lot of money living in a little apartment in the city or something?? it may not be the easiest or most ideal lifestyle, but you would grow CLOSER to somebody in that situation. roughing it out together like that, ya know?? idk, it just seems like a perfect little way of living to me, and that's what i want. you would appreciate the small things in life way more. and i think you'd be forced to live way more in the MOMENT and do things because you want to and overall you'd just be HAPPIER in general. happy with what you have, even if it isn't much. it'd be enough."
aug 2 2012 ∞
apr 26 2014 +