Yeah, yeah... Hate is a strong word and all that. But c'mon, there are some things in life that you can't help but to passionately dislike. :P
- When people don't seem to know the difference between "there", "their", and "they're" (or your/your're & too/to/two for that matter!)
- When your pencil keeps breaking every time you sharpen it!!!
- When you can't fall asleep because you're sick & can't breathe through your nose...ugh!
- Pickles
- Spiders
- Misquitoe bites
- When the alarm clock goes off at 6 in the morning while you're having an amazing dream snuggled up cozy in your nice warm bed and you have to get up
- When you are cooking a poptart in the toaster and it gets stuck inside and you have to tip the toaster upside down and bang on the bottom of it to get the poptart out and it makes a mess of crumbs everywhere and then you can't eat your poptart because it's all nasty
- When you're watching an awesome movie, and then the DVD you rented from the library starts skipping, and no matter how much you clean it off it won't stop and you can't watch the rest of the movie
- When Somebody Writes The Beginning Of All Words In Capitals For No Reason On A Comment On A Youtube Video And You Want To Just Hunt Them Down And Strangle Them