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(cheers to "crickey" for this idea xD)

  • Spongebob: "Patrick, you're a genius!" Patrick: "Yeah, I get called that a lot." Spongebob: "What, a genius?" Patrick: "No, Patrick."
  • "The inner mechinations of my mind are an inigma."
  • "Jane. Marty. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?!"
  • Patrick: "Let's get naked!" Spongebob: "No, lets save that for when we're selling real estate."
  • "Whoever's the owner of the white sedan, you left your lights on."
  • Patrick: "Is mayonnaise an instrument?" Squidward: "No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument. *Patrick raises his hand* Horse radish is not an instrument either."
  • "People talk loud when they want to sound smart, right?" "CORRECT!!!"
  • "You ate my candy bar! Now I'm gonna starve!" *zooms in on huge stomach*
  • "Patrick, if I had one dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd have one dollar."
  • "That's not disturbing. THIS is disturbing. (Patrick's back morphs into a face.) Hi, there, Spongebob! My name is Patback!"
  • Spongebob: "Bye Squidward, bye Mr. Krabs, bye Squidward!" Patrick: "You said Squidward twice." Spongebob: "I like Squidward."
  • "Excuse me sir. You're sitting on my body, which is also my face."
  • Spongebob: "Hey Patrick, what am I?" Patrick: "Uhh, stupid?" Spongebob: "No, I'm Texas." Patrick: "What's the difference??"
dec 22 2011 ∞
jul 17 2012 +