i'm kind of... complicated, and i have quite specific needs. so please take the time to read this:

  • please don't interact with me if dangan ronpa is one of your main interests. it's a trigger (yes, it really is. it's not "a squick")
  • PLEASE don't interact with me if you ship komahina (komaeda/hinata) from dangan ronpa
  • i might follow if you dont post too much dangan ronpa. if we are mutuals, please tag it or i will unfollow. you can keep contact with me through DMs or something
  • i'm a pretty emotional person and i have frequent moodswings and panic attacks. if that scares you, just unfollow
  • i post nsfw. i try to tag the really heavy stuff but not everything, so beware
oct 14 2016 ∞
oct 14 2016 +