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"What divine music she lured out of the old violin--merry and sad, gay and sorrowful by turns, music such as the stars of morning might have made singing together, music that the fairies might have danced to in their revels among the green hills or on yellow sands, music that might have mourned over the grave of a dead hope. Then she drifted into a still sweeter strain. As he listened to it he rea...

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  • The discrpancy between a movement of atoms in an astronomer's cortex and his understanding that there must be a still unobserved planet beyond Uranus, is already so immense that the Incarnation of God Himself is, in one sense, scarcely more startling. We cannot conceive how the Divine Spirit dwelled within the created and human spirit of Jesus: but neither can we conceive how His human spirit, or that of any man, dwells within his natural organism. What we can understand, if the Christian doctrine is true, is that our own composite existence is not the sheer anomaly it might seem to be, but a faint image of the Divine Incarnation itself--the same theme in a very minor key. We can understand that if God so descends into a human spirit, and human spirit so descends into Nature, and out thoughts into our senses and passions, and if adult minds (but only the best of them) can descend into sympathy with children, and men into sympathy with beasts, then everything hangs together and the total reality, both Natural and Supernatural, in which we are living is more multigariously and subtly harmonious than we had suspected. We catch right of a new key principle--the power of the Higher, just in so far as it is truly Higher, to come down, the power of the greater to include the less. Thus solid bodies exemplify many truths of plane gemoetry, but plane figures no truths of solid gemoetry: many inorganic propositions are true of organisms but no organic propositions are true of minerals; Montaigne became kittenish with his kitten but she never talked philosophy to him. Everywhere the great enters the little--its power to do so is almost the test of its greatness. In the Christian story God descends to reascend. He comes down; down from the heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity; down further still, if embryologists are right, to recapitulate in the womb ancient and pre-human phases of life; down to the very roots and seabed of the Nature He has created. But He goes down to come up again and bring the whole ruined world up with Him.
  • How I love Your words My God, My King. Your name rings on the plains like a not so distance train and Love and history are near in the flowers that You make. Because I'll never hold a picture of the whole horizon in my view. Because I'll never rip the night in two it makes me wonder, who am I? Who am I and great are You Lord. How I Love Your Word, My God, My King. Your love cuts through these pages to my heart as You grieve our sins right from the start. And sacrifice and paradise are in the plans that You made
  • Knocked on your door at dawn with a spark in my heart. Dragged you from your bed and said let me see the colts. Let me see the colts that will run next year. Show them to a gambling man thinking of the future. Have you been drinking? No,nor sleeping. The all-seeing all-knowing eye is dog tired and just wants to see the colts. We walked out through the dew dappled brambles and sat upon the fence.Is there anything as still as sleeping horses? Is there anything as still as sleeping horses.
apr 29 2012 ∞
apr 30 2012 +