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"What divine music she lured out of the old violin--merry and sad, gay and sorrowful by turns, music such as the stars of morning might have made singing together, music that the fairies might have danced to in their revels among the green hills or on yellow sands, music that might have mourned over the grave of a dead hope. Then she drifted into a still sweeter strain. As he listened to it he rea...

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  • I am in control of my life and my role in this relationship. I've given a timeline and I know what decisions I will make depending on the feedback I get by the end of that timeline.
  • I am strong. I can get through 2 weeks and I will be a different, stronger, wiser person for it.
  • I can deal with this pain. I'm a child of God and He has promised me His strength. He will never give me more than I can handle.
  • J deserves space and time to figure out what he wants. I deserve to know if I am what he wants or not.
  • I have a right to stand by the decisions I make. If he wants to just be friends and that doesn't work for me, or if I want to have someone else help us through our individual struggles and our relationship, then I owe it to myself and him to stand by my convictions. Even if he doesn't agree with me, I will still stand by them. I deserve to have peace about the steps that I take and I must take them.
  • I deserve happiness. If someone is not in love with me, if they can not see past my faults and failures, then I need to move on until I find that person who will. I will always mess up and fail, I need to and will try to always own up to and work on my shortcomings, but I am a person and I need to be accepted. Love your wives as Christ loved the Church-I'm completely ok with that part of Paul's teachings and I want that from a partner.
  • Nic recommended these two books:
    • Thomas Merton's Thoughts in Solitude
  • If I love him, I need to be able to let him go.
may 2 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +