Moon in Aries
- Aries is the cardinal fire sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a fire which gives direction, such as in a rocket, a gun, or an engine. Superman and Superwoman, who can propel themselves in any direction, are good metaphors of Aries energy. Fire is a process that causes change and Aries uses energy to bring about changes. Being a cardinal sign, Aries is the most energetic of the fire signs and usually takes the initiative.
- self-assertion, initiation, new beginnings
- action, daring, challenge, adventure
- exploration, pioneering, discovering
- aggression, creativity, personal goals
- personal control of everything
- competition, winning, being first
- courage, honesty, nobility, openness
- Is a leader
- Is energetic
- Helps others to achieve their dreams
- Accepts challenges
- Believes the best of others
- Takes risks for others
- Defends the vulnerable
- An Aries life is an open book
- Will give life for the loved one
- Continues action even if others give up
- Must be the boss
- Brashness
- Blind to his or her effect on others
- Intolerance
- Jealousy
- Doesn't listen
- Selfishness
- Impulsiveness
- Poor judge of character
- Dislikes being told what to do
Physical Apperance
- Body: lean and strong, with large bones, thick shoulders, and a long neck.
- The face is usually long and the eyes are steady and somewhat piercing -- not looking through you, but certainly looking at you, as if to challenge.
- There may be a scar on the face or the body from a past fight -- if so it will be "worn" with a certain pride like a winner's trophy.
- is slim and strong
- is very active and glows with energy
- has strong, luxurious hair
- wears sophisticated colors and perfume
- dresses in clothes appropriate to the occasion
Behavior and Personality Traits
- looks you in the eye and gives a firm handshake
- is enthusiastic and optimistic
- talks back and often gets hurt because of it
- expects loyalty
- is fearless
- has interests outside the home or has a career
- expects to win in any situation
- is direct, open, and honest
- can make miracles happen
Behavior When In Love
- is very romantic and believes in courtly love
- will insist on doing the chasing and cannot bear to be chased by anyone
- can be extremely possessive of the lover but cannot understand if the lover is possessive
- places the loved one on a pedestal
- will be jealous of any attention the loved one gives to others
- will defend the loved one to the death
- total faithfulness from the partner
- the lover to respond as if he or she is the first and best lover ever known
- to be loved exclusively
- never to be criticized
- being liked
- the best wines
- a unique license plate on the car
- money to burn
- new clothes
- red roses
- food in bright colors
- personalized gifts
- presents wrapped in intriguing paper
- books
- sparkling gems
- being ignored
- physical restriction
- being placed less than first
- feeling hungry
- anyone who performs better than they
- old things, second-hand stuff
- having to wait for anything
- lingering after food
- bland food
may 22 2012 ∞
may 22 2012 +