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frequent tweeting / low tumblr activity / not for the faint of heart

it's okay to mute/softblock/unfollow me at any time! your comfort is most important

listography GIVE MEMORIES
dec 17 2016 ∞
jun 14 2017 +


  • you harass any of my friends or associate with those who do.
  • you are uncomfortable with or too young for graphic gutter humor. if you are vocally uncomfortable with raunchy humor (because of your age or etc) and bypass my content warnings + follow me anyway, i will probably softblock you.
  • you practice, enable, or encourage misogyny for the sake of m/m fetishization.
  • you fetishize or appropriate east asian culture
  • you give people shit for soft/blocking, unfollowing, etc.
  • you are going to vague me and be fucking extra, i have zero tolerance for this.
  • probably don't follow for art content because i only shit out doodles once in a while
  • you associate with my abuser, "ponyo" @ anoakaito, infireational, lingeringhiraeth, etc.
feb 23 2017 ∞
jun 14 2017 +


  • i'm rather vocal about fandom misogyny and it isn't any prettier for people who indirectly sideline women. you don't have to actively bash girls to be misogynistic.
  • you are not exempt from misogyny just for screaming "IM GAY FOR HER" once a month between your softboy rarepairs and you don't get a medal for subtweeting me about how shocked you are to divorce yourself from guilt.
  • shoving women on untouchable pedestals and then clocking out to meme around with your ~*~goofy boys doing ridiculous shit~*~ does not count as female appreciation. the binary of "precious pure princess" and "spicy mommy step on me" is not female appreciation.
  • don't sideline women all day and then suddenly ride my coattails when i happen to post discourse. this is painfully transpa...
feb 25 2017 ∞
jun 14 2017 +


  • there is the misconception that you have to ~*~know!!!~*~ someone to block them. i use the feature to stay out of the orbits of people who have slighted me or my friends, so this includes accounts closely associated with these people and 9/10 it isn't personal.
  • i earnestly do apologize in advance b/c i know that sometimes a block can look hostile. but if you're ugly and make condescending jokes about these measures i probably don't want to associate with you anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • unless we're close friends and there's cause for concern, you shouldn't have to ask why i soft/blocked/unfollowed or contact my friends about it. i cannot believe that i even have to fucking put this here most of you guys are adults
may 3 2017 ∞
jun 14 2017 +


    • spongebob squarepants
    • the king of fighters / snk playmore
    • fire emblem: if
    • detective conan / magic kaito
    • final fantasy: x, x-2, tactics
    • kagerou project
    • professor layton
    • dark cloud 2
    • naruto


    • yuri sakazaki
    • kaitou kuroba
    • auron
    • kamui (fe: if)
    • inigo/laslow
    • sakura haruno
    • gumi
feb 23 2017 ∞
jun 14 2017 +