- i'm rather vocal about fandom misogyny and it isn't any prettier for people who indirectly sideline women. you don't have to actively bash girls to be misogynistic.
- you are not exempt from misogyny just for screaming "IM GAY FOR HER" once a month between your softboy rarepairs and you don't get a medal for subtweeting me about how shocked you are to divorce yourself from guilt.
- shoving women on untouchable pedestals and then clocking out to meme around with your ~*~goofy boys doing ridiculous shit~*~ does not count as female appreciation. the binary of "precious pure princess" and "spicy mommy step on me" is not female appreciation.
- don't sideline women all day and then suddenly ride my coattails when i happen to post discourse. this is painfully transparent, it needs to stop, i'm done with it, instant unfollow. i would rather you quietly stay in your lane than be a hypocrite.
- i don't recommend that you follow if these issues on women make you feel uncomfortable or targeted, but if they do, there is a reason and i do recommend that you check yourself.
feb 25 2017 ∞
jun 14 2017 +