Character driven stories tend to be fan-favorites, and with good reason. I have a tenancy to go for the witty word-play, badass, snarky, unexpectedly awesome characters. I like protagonists, their underrated friends, their kick-ass mentors. I adore the underdogs, the ones who get growth and character development, the ones who prove everyone else wrong. Maybe if I make a list, I can find a better pattern.
- Comics:
- Cassandra Cain is a close second.
- Books:
- HARRY POTTER. Also, Neville Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, and pretty much everyone else in these books, because DAMN that is a lot of awesome people.
- Edmund Pevensie is my hero. I have stanned for him in real life, in lit classes. NO LIE.
- Keladry of Mindelan, because even through my Childhood Nostalgia, I can tell you that she is a fucking badass.
- Television:
- Welllllll, if we're going down the road of Childhood Nostalgia, I should mention Daisuke. Fucking awesome.
- EVERYONE ON THE WEST WING EVER. (Except that chick from the first season, she was annoying.)
- Sokka, Toph, and Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender. DON'T EVEN TRY TO MAKE ME PICK.