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  • nostalgia, bad days, pain, and death is inevitable. time passes, nothing truly lasts forever, and memories will be all that's left. then, it makes everything bearable and it gives us hope—something to look back and forward to. explorations, classics, childhood. the crippling tidals inside you, unwavering. the essence of carpe diem.
  • winter, often deemed and represented as gloomy, but beneath the white sheets lies flowers. coldness begets warmth. hibernation and survival. hope and the realistic truth about life and the universe. christmas and holiday adventures. season greetings. a symbol of endings and new beginnings.
  • ocean, depths and fear. there's a lot more than what we see on the surface. succor, shades of azure, the sound of waves, the beauty of nature. home.


  • jeonghan and islands, pursuing the impossible, faith on oneself. pure and genuine love, empathy, co-existence, friends and family.
  • minghao and teas, complexity, warmth, grace, and self-importance. it takes a whole lot effort to know your cup of tea, just like the continuous process of knowing yourself. acknowledging pain and deriving it into something meaningful, or expressing it in the form of arts. to find refuge in a small teahouse, and that would be enough to keep you going.
  • effy stonem and drugs, hedonism, rebelling, and living in the moment. the strong desire to escape from all your nemesis, to not have to face it. free-spirit, attachments, society. vices, vices, caught up in vices, forgetting about life in general and the future that awaits.
  • kook yeonsu and resilience, isolation, perseverance, and peace. distance, growth, and realizations. the intricate act of pushing away people that genuinely loves you doesn't always mean protection. time, patience, and hardwork. summer rains, youth. it can only take us far, but is it sustainable?
jul 18 2023 ∞
jan 18 2024 +