• squirrels
  • sadness
  • life (in general)
  • when I think I've had a conversation with someone in reality, but actually it was in a dream
  • heights (not like exaggerated heights; more like if I'm at the top of a stairwell and I look down over the railing...my feet get all tingly)
  • lack of peripheral vision (maybe this is more of a makes-me-nervous kind of thing)
  • nightmares where I am being chased and I a) can't run fast enough b) get to my door but can't open it c) get to my door and fumble/drop my keys
  • today's youth/their intellectual abilities
  • when i don't care about anything
  • clowns
  • failure
  • occasional trains of thought
  • becoming destitute
  • not remembering when i do things
  • the thought that i will look back on my life with deep, unshakable regret
mar 31 2011 ∞
jan 31 2017 +