Being an art major, i guess it's time to act like an artist. So as my first strike, i shall bore you with a list of those who tickle my brain... or at least the creative part of it.

  • My Uncle Cliff- pencil portraits and cartooning. My uncle is incredibly gifted in many aspects of art. I think he is the reason i really got interested, because when I was a kid, I used to beg him to let me watch him work.
  • My Dad- abstract illustrations and cartooning. Although he's done some really wierd stuff, he's probably the #1 reason for my creativity. Thanks, Papa!
  • My Grandmother- pencil portraits of family. She is my hero!
  • M C Escher- abstract illusionist famous for paintings and pencil pieces I especially like his tesselations and impossible objects!
  • Ansel Adams- I love his photography, the classic style ROCKS!
  • Ruben Moody- Great use of photography, sketches, and paintings. He's a photoshop genius!
  • Christopher Calamia- Also an awesome photographer and photoshop fiend! His creative edge is inspiring
  • Rembrandt- C'mon! how can you not respect this guy! Have you seen "The Resurrection of Lazarus"?!
  • Vincent Van Gogh- A crazy classic! I love his use of color in the night sky for "starry night" how often do you see a sky depicted as more then just black with white dots?
  • Halley Mae Smith- She is a great painter with a very simple yet classically beautiful style! She is definately not afraid to just paint what she wants. For that reason, i'm definately jealous of her! Keep an ear out for her first gallery show!
sep 27 2006 ∞
oct 19 2006 +