Things that always make me smile, no matter the situation.

  • Novels. Any decent novel will always make me smile. There are a lot of books I associate memories to, like my attributing Clockwork to laughably sleepless nights caused by the noisy clock in my parents' room. Every time I open one of the books on my shelf, I can't help but remember the circumstances in which I read it. I remember reading books on hammocks by the beach, or on hotel beds at midnight by the light of my cellphone. I remember using receipts and random notes as bookmarks. These memories make me smile.
  • Songs from my childhood like those by the Backstreet Boys and LFO. When I hear them I remember the lazy days of my youth (like I'm so old, haha), the laughter and excitement that only a little kid has. I remember splashing around in the river, or playing dodgeball on the street, or poker games up until 2am. Oh, how I miss those days of carefree-ness and simplicity.
  • Stars and starlight. I don't really know why, but nighttime is my favorite part of the day (haha, sounds redundant). I love the night and the cool it brings, and the darkness of the sky. I love the tiny pinpricks of light that appear, one by one, scattered across the blackness. I love how cities seem to come alive, with their lights coming on a few at a time. Everything seems to be better at night.
  • Jogging. Whenever I get pensive or sad, I go for a run. Sometimes I just head around the block once or twice; others I really give it a go and head up at least 2 km. It all depends on what's in my head when I set out. I really like running because it lets out some of my pent-up energy, and I get to ruminate over things. I also like it because I'm on my own. (But not in the emo way.)
  • Empty notebooks and newly sharpened pencils. Maybe it's the writer in me, but the sight of a new, empty notebook always gives me a little bit of a thrill. If I had to name a fetish of mine, it's notebook-buying. I find it hard to wander into a bookstore and not buy one. The good thing is, I actually use them. They give me a thrill only an artist with a new blank canvas would understand. Newly sharpened pencils give me the joy of freshness. I get to wear down the points with my words.
  • Relics of remembrance like my old stuffed giant caterpillar or my past journals. It's fun seeing how much I've changed since I was little, and I like seeing the things I used to take joy in. It's also fun to revisit old memories and reminisce about past days. Nostalgia breeds a sense of peace, and makes you forget your heavy responsibilities for a while.
  • Conversations about life and love and anything in between. I enjoy the company of people whom I can prattle and banter with about anything at all for the longest time. From philosophical to inane to serious to fun, conversations are usually the highlight of my day, especially if they're with people I love and care for.
  • Intense football and disc games. Nothing like a little running, jumping and diving to perk you up! I love watching football games because they're always so intense and passionate; I always wish I could play that well. I love playing disc for the same reasons. There's a thrill from catching a disc in the goal that is incomparable.
  • Singing in the shower. No criticisms, no need for professionalism and propriety. Just sing your heart out to any song you please, and love every minute of it.
  • Dancing it out. I've always loved dance; I used to do ballet. Nowadays, with all the stress and complications, it feels really nice to just get up and dance it all out. Shimmy, shake, swing and stomp. Let it out. (PS. It's best to do this alone or with a really close friend because you may end up looking like an idiot. xD)
  • The color yellow. Need I say more?
  • Fantastic clothes and other apparel. I am a fashionista and I love fashion!
  • Walks in the rain especially when it's cold and cloudy and gray and just starting to drizzle. It feels like the bad things are being washed away. I like to drop my umbrella and just stand there with eyes closed and lips slightly smiling. It always feels so good.
  • Waking up to a cold morning where you don't have class and you have no obligations. You can curl up in your blanket and try to get back to sleep, or read a good book, or just wallow in the morning before you get up for breakfast.
  • Small discoveries like a new brilliant band or a really good book, or the perfect sandals to go with your favorite dress.
  • Daydreaming because we all have freedom to dream and dream big.
  • Lazy days because they let you relax and be a bum for a while.
  • Being loved.
aug 16 2009 ∞
aug 16 2009 +