Okay, so I just finished watching Cruel Intentions, the end scene of which is one of my favorite movie scenes of all time. xD So I decided to make a list of my favorite movie scenes. This won't be very long because I'm distracted, and so don't really remember many movie scenes. I might update when I remember more.

  • End scene of Cruel Intentions when Kathryn is standing on the steps of the church with everyone glaring at her. I really like that movie, even if it makes me a little...anxious? Guilty? Something. xD It doesn't hurt that Sebastian (Ryan Philippe) is damn hot.
  • End scene of Jawbreaker where everyone's flinging their corsages at Courtney and her makeup is running and Julie takes her picture. I love denouements of movies --they're always so... passionate.
  • Cooper's ballet at the end part of Centerstage, on of my all-time favorite movies. I love the dancing; it's so... charged. I'd love to be able to dance like that.
  • La Vie Boheme from Rent (the movie). Another one of my all-time favorite movies; it's the movie that kind of made me more open-minded about the world. I also like the Santa Fe scene, when they're singing on the train. xD Very cute.
  • The scene where Jamie confesses to Aurelia in the movie Love Actually. It's very cute, how they tried to learn each others' languages. I love his speech; it's funny and romantic. And I really like their love story.

Yeah, I ran out of movie scenes already. Will update when I remember more!

sep 3 2009 ∞
sep 3 2009 +