Yes. I don't actually know if I'll look back at this but it's nice to know I did something that leaned towards productive for a change. (Coz, uhm, lately I've been promising myself to be productive and then failing miserably.)

  • Actually study for the ACET because there is no guarantee that I will end up in UP. I need to pick up on my math. I still don't get conic sections!
  • Actually read MIM because I've just started chapter freakin' two, and my second quarter grade depends a lot on my knowledge of this book!
  • Play around and act girlfriend-y with my best friend just for the heck of it. :)) We've been doing it on and off for a while now, for no reason whatsoever. Except perhaps amusement.
  • Jog a little more because I've been a lazy slob these past few days (or weeks). I need to stay fit! (Or, at least, move every once in a while. Apart from the walking I do at home and in school.)
  • Use the internet less or I'll be an addict and get fat.
  • Try and get through Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment because my dad keeps saying it's a good book but I can't seem to finish it. I love French existentialism and all that, but Russian existentialism and this book are just... not clicking with me.
  • Try and talk/flirt with her a little less because I might be making things a bit too obvious and getting ahead of myself.
  • Be a little less self-absorbed and insensitive.
  • Do something crazy like get drunk before school or after the ACET. Yes, I'd like to get drunk sometime soon. I like getting drunk!
  • Play hooky again, like last year! When my friends and I skipped out last year, it was awesome! Okay, so it doesn't really count as hooky coz it wasn't a real school day, but still. Evading authority like that (and getting away with it) is just so thrilling.
  • Get out more because after my birthday, my social life has been creeping downhill. Even just lunch at Petron might be nice.
  • Actually get around to doing actual homework and ALL of it, not just the ones I like doing. xD

Christ, I've got a lot to do. And this is just the "short"list!

Gotta be productive (please?)!

sep 12 2009 ∞
jul 5 2010 +