This year is off to a bad start. I watched Akira (1988) and man I loved that movie. Maybe I'll read the manga. Maybe not a terrible start, but movies are just a way to cope, like it can only "help" so much.

Anyway, man I kinda wish I lived in post-apocalyptic Neo Tokyo with a gang of bikers that's made up of my closest pals.

I hate this. I hate this place, nothing feels good at all. I really need to pick it up if I want to end the school year at least passable enough that I don't ruin my GPA. I hate it man, every day here is a day I'm wasting. Even school is hard at this point, which for me every thing is hard, but like it keeps getting worse.

I should go to bed. I should wake up tomorrow and make sure that I finish things on time. Man what the hell. How do I do this. I wanna leave, I'm so dull and unhappy. Nothing even like releases dopamine in my body anymore like Oof. Idk man. I wish I felt some sort of freedom.

edit: I was able to finish the work, not in time, but I hope the teachers don't mind.

jan 24 2019 ∞
jan 25 2019 +