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There's always something to smile about .

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
— Audrey Hepburn

January 1st, 2011 - January 1st 2012

listography NEW NEWS
  • My Love - Sia
  • packing like sardines inside Lamar's car on the way to the train.
    • sitting on Sam's lap with our index fingers touching.
  • mini brownies.
  • cracks on the iguana woman. lmao.
    • we're all going to hell.
  • the serbian woman that talked a little too much but was all about revolution with the young people.
  • standing ovations <3
  • Shay's experience with shrooms. lol.
  • remembering my phone is back on & using cta bus tracker when i get to the bus stop.
  • Lamar's poem about not moving to the back of the bus.
  • Angelis' piece.
    • & his blue contacts.
  • a picture i took with Leche's camera some months ago, in Leche's sweater, with my tongue sticking out and my eyes looking almost iridescent.
  • bus drivers that don't give me shit about using my reduced fare card on the weekends.
  • perfect bathroom lighting.
  • an empty seat on a crowded bus.
  • Between Two Lungs - Florence + The Machine
  • free literature.
  • the way Sam shudders when I run my nails across a certain part of his hairline.
jun 11 2011 ∞
jun 15 2011 +