• racist, antisemitic, islamophobic, xenophobic, zionist, misogynistic, lgbtphobic, fatphobic, ableist
  • right winge or neutral/centralist
  • against blm, land back, & other such movements
  • fujoshi/fundashi, fetishize mlm/wlw relationships
  • proshippers/anti-antis, or neutral
  • ship real people
  • against any religion, this includes christianity
  • you are white, cis, het, neurotypical, able-bodied or etc and are ok with being friends with people who are unjust to minority groups
  • say slurs you can't reclaim or are okay with being friends with people who do so
  • 'reclaim' slurs without any research & use them lightly.
  • try to reclaim the r slur
  • try to argue that fb isnt a slur as a tme
  • you support NFTs, crypto & etc such things.
may 11 2022 ∞
sep 26 2022 +