Habit is a powerful force we forget about until it’s turned against us. Be careful which ones you create.

You will remember the most embarrassing crap you do in your life forever and in perfect clarity. Everyone else will remember the kindest things you do. It all comes out in the wash.

You’re the only one who can let go of your grudges. It’s worth it, I promise. They’re not doing you any good.

Doing the good, brave, kind things can feel silly if you let your internal critic get in the way. Reminder: No one else can hear that guy.

I can count on one hand the number of times putting out negativity has brought me back something worthwhile and even when it works it feels terrible.

Want to be better-liked immediately? Today? Right now? Use people’s names. Ask more questions. Make the person you’re talking to feel important without empty flattery.

Don’t correct people. Unless their wrongness will lead to them getting hurt or hurting someone else. You’ll have a fleeting sense of superiority and they’ll resent you. Nothing worthwhile comes of it. This used to be so hard, but now I cringe when someone else does it.

Cooking a Hot Pocket in the oven may seem counterintuitive, but man, it can really elevate it.

Empathy is the final step of maturity. It can take some work, but you’ll be shocked how much easier the world is to navigate when you remember to use it.

You’re probably not drinking enough water.


jul 8 2018 ∞
jan 2 2019 +