• it is 5:12 am. That is the latest I have ever stayed up in college to study. How am I even awake!?
  • 11:58 AM - I woke up at around 7:30, maybe 8, with slight ease. I am currently YRL studying. There is a couple in front of me - the boy just walked in and now they just keep kissing. I can't tell if I am jealous or annoyed. Mostly annoyed, really.
  • Also, I feel skinny. My diet has been of addy, caffeine, and water. And it's mostly the first two. I like feeling skinny.
  • I also have failed my 125 midterm. I studied so hard for that. I don't know what to think about myself. I don't think I am cut out for this school. Ugh. He gives out mostly A's and B's, which is quite reassuring but I am just not smart enough. On the other hand, I am enjoying my classes and actually learning.
oct 29 2013 ∞
nov 6 2013 +