My generation is not thin-skinned. People always say this about milennials, as we are exposed to "politically correct" (PC) terms. For example, professors and liberal media urge us to use "undocumented" rather than "illegal immigrant," because the word illegal carries such a strong, negative bearing with it. Opponents of non-politically correct terms argue that it is not meant to bear a heavy stigma but instead that it is realistic and the truth. For example, the undocumented student truly is illegal since he/she did come in illegally, that is, without papers and without going through the proper process.

I'm not going to argue what you should/should not use, because I see both sides.

But, I would argue that my generation is not thin-skinned. By asking us not to use certain terms, we are forced to expand our vocabulary. Furthermore, we are forced to ponder how we got to debating these terms in the first place. We now face reality, the reality that other people have to face because they feel discriminated against, even with just little bits of lingo, while the others realize what a privilege we truly hold. Exercising our mind and leading us out of bliss clearly is not simple. Ignorance is easy. We could ignore it. So the fact that we as a generation are able to look at these issues only gives us a generation thicker skin.

nov 7 2013 ∞
nov 7 2013 +